
Heat exchange series

Storage tank series

Filter series

Steaming (fine) distillation series

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Hangzhou Hanhua Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. is located on the bank of the beautiful Fuchun River. The company covers an area of 12,000 square meters, with a new factory building of 4,000 square meters and a comprehensive office building of 300 square meters.

Hangzhou Yuhua Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. is a professional production unit for non-standard containers and type I and II pressure vessels. Specializing in the manufacture of various large chemical machinery, Eps steam energy storage tanks, steam storage tanks, reactors, gas tanks, separators, heat exchangers, air coolers, radiators, scrubbers and chemical tower equipment, etc. Production. Since its establishment, the company has won the support and trust of customers with its good reputation, excellent products and excellent service.

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News center / News

  • technology and applications

    improvement and manufacturing capabilities, and has advanced equipment and strong technical force, as well as a well-trained professional team.

  • Ozone technology and applications

    Founded in 1995, Pujiang Leili Shi Lock Co., Ltd. is a professional lock manufacturer located in

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